In general, no permit is required to fill a new chasm. Sinkholes in wetlands or sinkholes whose replenishment would alter surface water flows or contribute to water pollution may require an Environmental Resource Permit (ERAP) prior to replenishment. This permit application is usually submitted to your Florida Water Management District or the respective district offices of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. District staff will assist in assessing the need for a permit. If a sinkhole forms in a structure that required an ERP for its construction, such as a rainwater basin, the owner is required to report the sinkhole to the party issuing the permit in accordance with the conditions of the permit. To know who to contact, please refer to the ERP approval. Since many sinkholes are direct pipes to our drinking water aquifers, careful selection of filler material is advised. Do not fill a sinkhole with garbage, chemicals or other materials that could contaminate groundwater. Natural earth materials such as clean limestone, sand and silty sand are suitable.

In 1982, the Florida Sinkhole Research Institute was founded at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. At that time, all FGS data files were transferred to the IRSF. One of their tasks was to compile this information, present it in tabular form and convert it into a computer database. When the Florida legislature ceased funding the FSRI in the early 1990s, the FSRI ceased almost all of its activities. The database was then returned to the FGS and reformatted. Portions of the reformatted data were published in 1994 as FGS Open File Report 58, “FLORIDA SINKHOLE INDEX.” Data is currently available as subsidence incident reports in various formats on the EPD Map Direct website or on the CED GIS Open Data Portal. The FSRI is still affiliated with the University of Central Florida and the College of Civil and Environmental Engineering, although it is not officially maintained and has no official members, functions, or contacts. FGS personnel are always available to answer calls from the state alert point, which is part of the emergency management department. The State Warning Point acts as a clearinghouse for emergencies of all kinds, including sinkholes, throughout Florida. In addition, selected FGS personnel respond to various inquiries from the public, state and federal agencies, and consultants regarding the development or potential of sinkholes. 2.

How long does it take for a chasm to stop growing? back to top What is the risk factor for sinkholes in my area? In order to better understand karst processes and associated features, FGS has published special publication 29 “Karst in Florida”. The publication explains the different aspects of Florida karst in a way that is easy for the non-scientific community to understand and as a tool for teachers in the classroom. Other FGS publications dealing with karst in Florida include OFR-58, mentioned above, and Map Series 110, which explains the types of sinkholes, their distribution, and their evolution. Is there a safe area in Florida where you can live without the risk of sinkholes? The appeal case concerned a home insurance policy adopted in July 2011. The policy covered “loss of sinkhole” and defined sinkhole loss as “structural damage to the building, including the foundation, caused by sinkhole activity.” The policy did not define “structural damage,” but Florida law, in effect at the time the directive was issued, did. Although sinkholes in Florida sometimes occur in ensembles, most are isolated events. The bedrock underlying the state is crisscrossed with cavities of varying sizes, most of which will not collapse in our lifetime. A quick inspection of your property for sinking or soft areas may be advised. If the hole in the ground isn`t very large and extends all the way to your property, there`s probably little to worry about.

Is there a government agency that inspects my sinkhole? How do I fill a sinkhole and do I need a permit for it?| partners Cyberloss, non-contractual, construction, third party coverage, first party coverage 813-594-5616 I think I have a chasm in my backyard. What must I do? The likely triggering mechanisms for sinkhole collapse can be drought, construction terraforming, blasting, heavy soil pollution, heavy rainfall and heavy groundwater pumps. Private residential wells are generally not sufficient to influence groundwater levels enough to cause sinkholes. Please note the previous question. Certainly, the availability of insurance is an important factor for most home buyers. Current Florida law requires insurance companies to offer catastrophic ground collapse coverage that insures in the event that a hole in the ground suddenly forms as a visible hole on the surface of the land under an insured structure and damages it based on the specific criteria of Florida Law 627,706. Insurance coverage for doline activities that do not form a visible hole on the surface of the land but result in damage to the insured structure is an option as an additional cost. Insurance companies may vary in their individual requirements, and you should look for the best insurance policy available to you. Unfortunately, there is no ready-made reference for predicting sinkholes or assessing risks.

This has made it difficult to accurately identify risks and has hindered the formulation of relevant legislation or industry standards. As a result, many insurance companies have relied heavily on regional maps, which show sinkhole occurrence areas based on local geology and historical sinkhole activity, or private sinkhole data. Any decision to buy a particular property is very individual and personal and should include not only the availability of insurance, but also your personal risk tolerance and desire to live in a particular area. A number of engineering firms regularly repair sinkholes. Techniques range from grout and/or foam injection into the hole to technically reinforced plug systems, pins and porous concrete. In general, if a repair has been certified by a licensed engineer and performed to the satisfaction of the homeowner`s insurance company, it is likely safe. However, since these are natural systems, there can be no guarantee that a repaired sinkhole will not cause future problems. I was denied home insurance because there is a hole less than half a mile from my house. What can I do? Following a second Sinkhole Standards Summit in 2004, Florida Geological Survey Special Publication 57, “Geological and Geotechnical Investigation Procedures for Evaluation of the Causes of Subsidence Damage in Florida,” was published in 2005 to provide guidance to companies investigating and rehabilitating sinkholes and sinkhole operations in Florida.
